A manga based on the Kingdom Hearts video game storyline has been released in Japan and the United States. It was divided into three manga series based on Kingdom Hearts,. Kingdom Hearts Manga Volume 1.

Kingdom Hearts: Volume 1. Paperback – October 11, 2005. When a storm hits his island, fourteen-year-old Sora is swept into a mysterious land where he meets Court. Volume. 1. 272 pages : 19 cm. In this American manga tale, Sora, a young, energetic boy, wants to exploring the world with his friends Riku and Kairi. The threesome is working to. Shiro Amano 4.06 4,584 ratings247 reviews When a storm hits his island, fourteen-year-old Sora is swept into a mysterious land where he meets Court Wizard. Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix, Vol. 1 - manga (Kingdom Hearts, 1) Paperback – May 12, 2015. After a terrible storm shatters the peace of his tropical island home, a.

Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix, Vol. 1. Paperback – 12 May 2015. After a terrible storm shatters the peace of his tropical island home, a young boy named Sora is set.

Kingdom Hearts Manga | Fandub | Volume 1 | Chapter 1 | HD

Kingdom Hearts Manga: Volume 1

~~~~~PLEASE READ!!!~~~~~~~ Hey guys! It's finally finished, chapter 1 of my Kingdom Hearts Manga Fandub! I really hope you enjoyed this video (: Make sure to give it a thumbs up and thanks to my wonderful crew! Directed and Casted by: DeepAnimeGuy (me) Edited and Produced by: Tristan (A.K.A. jock) youtube.com/user/supimjocktopus (Everyone is on VAA as well) Narrator in the beginning: Me Sora: bloothegreat youtube.com/user/BlooCerix Riku: Ahappyemokid youtube.com/user/ahappyemokid Kairi: SilverKey ...